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Volume Three

May 2024

fig tree _edited.jpg
fig tree
Editors' Choice Art: fig tree / Chloe Hendrick

Editors' Choice Award Recipients


Elana Morchower


Sara Güven


Chloe Hendrick

Letter from the Editor

Man. It's been a wild ride. When we restarted BSC's literary arts magazine in 2021, we couldn't have imagined that we would be in this position. Our school is shutting down. Our 168-year-old academic institution is closing its doors. Forever. And that really sucks.


However, the show must go on, and this community goes on so proudly. I am so proud of this issue, and am so grateful to all of our editors for dealing with my unwieldy Groupme messages. I am also beyond grateful for our community of writers and artists. In spite of everything, they took the time to send us their art. They didn't have to do that, but they did. In the face of having to submit transfer applications, making plans for unexpectedly graduating a year early, or dealing with the loss of the campus community, they wrote, they painted, they photographed, and they sent us their work. I could not be more grateful. Finally, thank you to all of the incredible faculty advisors we've had: Glenny Brock, Professor Laura Tolbert, and Dr. MK Foster. You made it happen and you inspired all of us every day. Thank you for everything you've done for your students.


The show must go on. Despite my somber tone, there is still cause for joy. I am happy to announce that The Western Border shall persist in Birmingham for as long as we can make it work. I am ecstatic for the entire Birmingham art community to be involved. From the beginning, we knew that we were deeply rooted in the city, and we always envisioned broadening our community beyond the borders of this campus. I am so excited to see where we go from here. 


The show will go on. Birmingham-Southern's legacy will live on in the lives of all that were touched by it. We are excited to do our small part in continuing this legacy by keeping the campus literary arts magazine alive. So here's to living, despite it all, as the years go by. 

Sara Güven, Editor-in-Chief




Diego Paz Abate

Sara Güven

Grace Lazarre

Elana Morchower

Will Slaughter

Sara Stone



Kaysn Bustamento

Chloe Hendrick

Cristal Quintana Luna

Elana Morchower

Ansley Pecoul

Nathaniel Spates

Ella Rockoff

Priscilla Pinky Rockoff

Nicole Villavicencio-Garduño

Lauren Workman


Faculty Advisor

Glenny Brock


Sara Güven


Diego Paz Abate

Susannna Brandon

Marylise Bridges

Grace Lazarre

Elisabeth Seage

Whitt Sheumaker

Sara Stone

Ben Swearingen

Lauren Workman

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